

How To Remove "Powered By Blogger" Attribution Widget From Your Blog


Blogger blogspot have come a long way in recent years, improvements are being made on it everyday, when Blogger was newly introduced for free blogging, only a couple of templates where made available but now there are lots of free templates and other features you can get absolutely for free on Blogger.

Then with Wordpress becoming more popular than Blogger, many new bloggers want their blogspot blog to look just like Wordpress blog but the only problem becomes having "Powered By Blogger" attribution on their blog, which by default you are not allowed to delete it or remove it.

This tutorial below will teach you how to customize your blogger so that "Powered By Blogger" attribution will not show in your blog whether you are on website version of your blog or on the mobile version, by just adding a little code to your blog, you can now boost of having a Wordpress blog or a Blogger that looks exactly like Wordpress blog.

Follow this simple steps below to remove attribution gadget from your blog:

Step 1:
If you are not logged in, login to your Blogger Dashboard, Click on "Templates" > "Edit HTML"

Step 2:
Click anywhere inside your code area and press "CNTRL F" in your computer.

Copy this code and paste in that tiny box that appears:

Click "Enter" the </head> will be highlighted in yellowish colour. then copy the following code and place it above the </head>
#Attribution1 {
display: none;
 Then click "Save" and view your blog, the "Powered By Blogger" attribution will not appear again.

See image below

Note: If you have already added sitemap .xml file above the </head> section, paste this code above the sitemap.

Read Also: How To Increase Your Blog Traffic By Adding Relevant Meta Tags ............................................................

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  22. Thanks for sharing the instructions on how to remove it!!

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  24. Thanks for sharing such a useful info. It has been quite difficult for me to do that. After removing the footer credit you should use your own footer like a link to home page or your main site check these medical websiteshttps://optimized360.com/medical-website-design/ for example.

    All blogger sites have a footer with the credits (a line of text at the bottom of the page) that links to blogger home page and the theme you use. These links allow your visitors to set up their own site and highlight the reach and variety of our community. It is a way to show the world the pride with which we created blogger, the Internet home of many users like you.

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