


Open Multiple Social Media Accounts With One Email

Tired of having multiple emails for your online marketing?... Today am going to teach you one method you can use to use one single email to open multiple social media account. Yes, I mean it as it sounds, you can actually open 10 accounts on Facebook or Twitter with just one email account and I will teach you how you can do that.

As an online marketer, We usually have more than one account for each social media network, it is hard opening new emails everytime you want to create new account; You have to form a new username and a new password,... goodluck remembering those passwords later.

This tutorial is going to save you the headache of opening multiple social media accounts with multiple emails. Besides if gmail is your favourite (as it is mine) there is a limit to a number of gmail account you can have.

So let's get to the point

Manage multiple accounts with one email

How To Have Many Social Media Accounts With One Gmail Account

Gmail actually ignores the use of dot (.) or plus  (+) in your gmail address, while Social media network does not.
This means that gmail see an email address like techbadoo@gmail.com and tech.badoo@gmail.com as the same thing.

If you send email to both emails, it will end up at the same recipient. You can try it now.

Now if you have a gmail account you used to open a social media account before like Facebook, all you need to do to use the same email address again is to insert dot (.) or plus (+) anywhere inside the your gmail address.

For example:
You can use; te.chbadoo@gmail.com, techb.adoo@gmail.com, tech+badoo@gmail.com to open 3 Facebook accounts and still receive all messages to your main email address techbadoo@gmail.com

It is that easy, try it now. ............................................................

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