

How I Doubled My Blog Organic Traffic Using Justretweet and Socialadr

Today, am going to reveal to you how I increase my blog organic traffic using just 2 tools Justretweet.com and Socialadr.com and find my blog ranking high in search engines for some popular keywords. It is going to be a detailed post and I share how you can get viral social shares of your post in this article.
justretweet reviews

It becomes a common knowledge that search engines like Bing use social media like Facebook and Twitter in their in their rankings. It sends a signal to search engines when people are sharing your posts, retweeting, favouriting it and commenting on it that your post most have some value. This creates a social proof. There is no doubt that social media like Facebook, Google+ and Twitter can help you build more social proof and drive traffic to your blog. Bloggers that want exposure to their blog posts makes it easy for their reader to share their post in social media,  this post will explore many ways to get and show your social influence.

If you are a serious blogger or internet marketer, you must surely understand how important social media is in your online campaign. Nobody will know the quality of your product or post until it gets to the right platform and social media plays a vital role in getting your business to the biggest online audience.

What is JustRetweet?

JustRetweet is a social sharing platform where members participate to get more people retweeting their posts, You also get more Facebook likes and Google Plusones to your blog posts when other members promote your post using JustRetweet credit system.

The reason I use JustRetweet is that it is safe, it is not a traffic exchange site which is highly frowned upon by Google, In JustRetweet, members are just sharing your post, or liking it on Facebook and Google Plusones, No one is forced to click on your link.

JustRetweet makes things easier for me, So am going to show you how you too can use it to increase the number of visitors to your blog and also increase your social proof, when you complete this article, you will be able to know how you can also increase your blog traffic with Justretweet and Socialadr.

Now let me show you example of how it brings huge traffics;
You write a great content on a particular topic, let's say on "traffic" and offer 50 credits for members to promote it, a member retweet your post and it gets seen by all his twitter friends, one of his friend name "Paul" with huge twitter followers sees this post, read and favourite it, It gets seen by all his friends too who know that a post Paul like most be of important value, so they follow Paul to also check out your post. A single retweet by a member has turned your post into a viral content.

It does not stop there, some members will Plus-one your post in Google+ and this increases your chances of ranking high in search engines for the keyword, since Google uses their own social media Google+ in their ranking.

Social Shares is very important, it has values, the more share you have the more chance you have in ranking better in search engines, you also get your blog noticed by people from all over the world who are likely to click on your page.

Why You Must Use This Tool

Like I said before, JustRetweet is safe to Google and other popular search engines, It has very low spam rate. Other reasons includes:
  • It brings in more social engagement to your post
  • It makes your content go viral
  • You get social shares to your post 
  • It helps you increase your Twitter followers while you are sleeping
  • It is free to join and use

How I Increase My Blog  Traffic With JustRetweet and How You Can Do The Same

Open your account at JustRetweet.com. Signing up is easy and it is free, as you soon as you sign up you get 100 credits to promote your post.

Set up your profile page, fill in the page and then connect your account to your Twitter, Remember you need Twitter account to be signing in any time you want to use the website.

If you don't want to be sharing too many contents on your twitter page, Then open another twitter account and use twiends.com to get followers to your new twitter account then connect this new twitter account to your JustRetweet account. You need to connect your account to your Facebook and Google+ account.

To submit a tweet for others members to promote just click on "Submit Tweet" button, the first time you submit a tweet, your tweet will be moderated to ensure it complies with their guidelines after that you can submit tweets without going through the moderation.

The best way to submit a tweet is to first of all, shorten your url with link shortner. I normally use goo.gl to shorten my own url to create more space for text I will add. Then copy your post title from you blog or you can twist your title to look more catchy before you submit.

Assign how man credits you will like to offer members to share you post, a tip here is to offer high volume of credit so that you post can go viral immediately, I assigned any post I want to go viral 50 credits, this means that each person that promotes my post gets 50 credits to promote his own post. Once you assign that amount of credit to your post you will see your content going viral in matter of hours.
how to submit a post on justretweet

I don't spend credits to get followers on this platform, as your post is being shared, you will get a handful of followers, I use my credits to get social shares here. I also prefer to go for Google Plusones and Retweeting instead of Facebook likes. I believe Plusones will help me rank better and Retweeting will make many people see my post, hope you understand the logic here.

Tips To Earn More Credit For Free 

To get credits to promote your post, there are two ways you can do that, either you buy the credit from their sales page or you promote other people's post to get credit to promote your own.
I normally go for the second one. 
get more credits in justretweet

Go to "settings" and arrange tweets in "Order of Most Credits Provided" this will help you to promote only post will highest credit value. Since am using my original Twitter and Google account, I do not want to mess it up by posting too much so I normally "like" other members post  on Facebook to get credits to promote my own. Like I said above, when am promoting my own post, I go only for Retweeting and Google Plusones, I don't go for "Facebook Likes" and "Twitter Followers" in this platform.

Also following "Featured members" will earn 10 credits for each person you follow. This is good as you will get some "follow-back" in some cases.

Tips To Get Your Post Go Viral

When you are set to submit your post, You will see an option that says "Minimum Number of Twitter Followers to Promote"
This means those that will promote your post on Twitter, the minimum number of followers they must have to be able to promote your post. If you put 0 there, anyone can promote the post on Twitter including those without any follower, If you enter 1000, it means for anyone to promote your post on Twitter, he/she must have minmum of 1000 followers.

To Make your post go viral, always add high figure here to increase the chance of your post being seen by many people. Always use minimum of 100 and above.

There is also an option to "bump" your post by clicking the "+" icon beside your post, this will cost you 100 credits extra for each share but will get your post most share in a very short time.

Using Hashtags
Hashtags (#) has been an effective way to make each content/post go viral on Twitter, always use hashtags in your post to reach huge number of Twitter users and give your content chance of going viral. To avoid your tweets looking like a spam, avoid using more than 3 hashtags.

How To Make Money With JustRetweet
If you have heard of Fiverr.com or Seoclerk.com, these are free to join marketplace where you sell services as a freelancer and make money. You can join any of this freelance site and offer a gig to get a post retweeted for some number of times.
I can open a Seoclerk account and have a gig thats says
"I will Get 20 People With More Than 100 Twitter Followers Each To Retweet Your Blog Post For $5"
A gig like this will make you money, all you have to do is promote other people's post to get credits to offer this gig, ofcourse you need to be offering high number of credits to JustRetweet members to promote each of your gig fast. This way you make money without spending any money.

Following the tips above will get your blog post going viral with more exposure to your blog, and search engines will also begin to rank your contents high with more and more social shares, this is an awesome tool that will help you monetize your blog in short time.

JustRetweet.com works in different way Socialadr works, So in the next post, am going to expose how I use Socialadr to increase my blog traffic organically. You can go directly to the post

How I Use Socialadr To Double My Blog Traffic


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