

Training and development: how to make your team more productive and efficient!

 What do you know about training and development in companies?

This set of actions is one of the most effective and fundamental tactics when we think about increasing productivity, engagement, and efficiency in the tasks proposed by an institution.

Consider this example: suppose you need to do a job, but the skills needed to do it are beyond your control. It is essential that you try to train yourself in some way to successfully accomplish that task. That way, in a next activity, when this same difficulty appears, you will have the necessary knowledge to overcome it with more speed, efficiency, and skill, doing an even better job than the previous one. This is what we call training.

Training and development how to make your team more productive and efficient!

The improvement of skills that encompass your work has the power to transform and improve performance, as well as the final result of what is delivered to the team. If the training and development of just one person can improve the outcome of a project, imagine what the training of an entire team can do for the company's performance.

It is exactly about training and development that we will cover in this article - so you will be able to create a team of talent for your business!

What is the difference between training and development?

The training and development phase should be one of the main stages within the process of qualifying companies' talents; this importance is due to the need to improve the skills of employees, improving the ability to perform tasks, and the interaction that professionals will have with colleagues and the organization itself.

Despite its importance, many professionals and companies still have doubts about what training and development involve, especially in relation to the difference between both terms. That is, what is the difference between training and developing a professional?  

Before we move on, it is important that you understand that training and development are two different actions but of equal importance. First, let's see what training is:


When we talk about employee training, we talk about the training process around a position.

When a position is taken on by a new employee, they need to be trained in the responsibilities and difficulties that surround them. The training, then, aims to decrease the chances of the person making mistakes, teaching the points that require more focus, and promoting job security.

Training prepares a person (or a group of people) for the necessary skills within their role in the company; it happens on time. Normally, due to their punctual characteristics, training in companies takes place in weeks, days, or even in a few hours.

There is also a sense of urgency: while training does not take place, the company may be producing less than it should, or it may be that the employee in question is likely to cause the waste or be involved in accidents at work.


The development process, on the other hand, aims at the growth of the individual within the professional skills that his job demands. While training looks to anticipate problems of the present, development focuses on anticipating those of the future - such as trends and market opportunities, new goals, consumer demands, company image, productivity, and innovation.

The duration of development actions can vary more than the time required for training - here, depending on what is proposed, it may need a longer period to have the desired effect.

If your company has a Design team, for example, a good development action may be to always try to provide lectures and courses that involve skills in the area. This is a way to awaken or create new skills, ensuring improved performance, expertise, and results presented by the team, as well as new ideas about what can be produced by them.

Another example is the training of leaders, which, aiming at better management of the other employees, reflects in better qualified and motivated teams, therefore, it reflects in better results for the company.

How important is the training and development process? 

According to a survey conducted by the Brazilian Training Association, Brazilian professionals spend about 16.6 hours in training during one year. This number is low, reaching half the hours of training carried out in countries like the United States. 

The development of professionals must begin to be seen by companies as a kind of investment in the organization itself; it must be incorporated into the corporate culture. The main capital of any company is its intellectual capital. Without employees, no company would be able to grow and develop.


In addition, when a company has good professionals, trained, well trained, and well developed, the chance of growth of the organization is even greater, since better qualified professionals produce more. In addition, when the company invests in employees, they feel more satisfied and are able to generate a more positive organizational climate. 

How to prepare training and development processes

Now that we are able to differentiate the concepts of training and development and understand the importance of each one of them within the work environment, let's move on to a more practical part: how to plan the actions of each one of them according to your project.

# 1 Identifying needs.

The first step in creating effective actions in companies is to understand their business environment and how it works. This process is important for you to be clear about the needs it demands and, thus, to be able to develop effective activities to supply them.

From there, you will need to organize these needs: what should be prioritized? What demands a longer process? Which of them involve more people and, therefore, a greater investment? Questions like these will guide you in the next step, in which you will structure the activities.

# 2 Elaboration and application

At first, you need to identify key points so that it is possible to design the activities efficiently and ensure that they bring the desired results. Draw your planning with the following points in mind:

  • the final objective of that action;
  • methodology to be used;
  • training duration;
  • date, time, and place where it will be applied.

When establishing these guidelines, it is important that you understand that the training and development of employees, as they have different purposes, must also be provided in different ways.

Thinking about team development actions, leave aside traditional teaching procedures: the idea here is to promote dialogue and exercises in which members will be able to learn together what is proposed; depending on the audience, it is worth investing in distance training, for example.

When talking about training, however, understand that the process is more direct and can be presented in a more technical and less flexible way than recommended for the personal development process since it aims at rapid learning.

# 3 Monitoring results.

An equally important part of your company's training and development processes is monitoring results - so you can have a broader picture of the actions and be able to judge their effectiveness.

Exactly because of its most urgent and practical characteristic, verifying the effectiveness of training is simpler - its almost immediate impact is clearly seen. In terms of development, their perception of effectiveness happens more in the long term, not least because each employee can internalize activities in different ways and put them into practice in equally different ways.

The impacts of this strategy on your business

More qualified and motivated team.

You may have already realized that investing in training and development will make your team more qualified, but even so, it is always good to reiterate this aspect. With the increase in expertise, more motivated employees will feel to perform their activities and, therefore, more innovative ideas can emerge.

Competitive advantage.

In addition, studies already show that companies composed of motivated people stand out in the market because they have a higher level of productivity, competence, and innovation. That is, when you perform these actions, you achieve a competitive advantage when facing your competitors.

Retaining talent.

In a scenario in which companies suffer from employee retention problems, conducting these professional and personal growth activities makes employees see greater value in the corporation and create stronger ties with it. Thus, the investment in training and development allows not only to help with performance but to keep talented people in your company.

Corporations are increasingly valuing the training and development processes of their employees, precisely because they realize the positive impacts they can have on the development and results presented. And, today, it is already possible that the training of your team will be even more effective and have a reduced cost through corporate distance education.


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