

Time management what is it, expert recommendations, how to manage everything

 Hello! Today, let's talk about time management or effective time management and answer how to manage everything!

Man is a part of society. Each of us has certain responsibilities to ourselves, colleagues, and relatives. Sometimes it seems that life is a kaleidoscope of the same days, with many tasks, the solution of which constantly lacks time. If you associate yourself with a squirrel in a wheel, you will be interested in learning that time can be effectively managed.

Time management what is it, expert recommendations, how to manage everything

What is time management? 

Look at the rich and successful people. They own a large business, manage many people, and find time for recreation and family. "How do successful people succeed?" You ask. Yes, all because they know and own the basics of time management.

Time management is the ability to rationally allocate your time resources. Translated from English means "time management." Of course, people are not magicians and do not know how to turn back time or stop it. But we can learn to allocate correctly every minute to be able to fulfill all the tasks set. 

The motto of successful time managers can be considered the expression "Do more by working less."

Who will benefit from time management

People have different needs and different responsibilities. Do not think that the lack of free time is a problem only for leaders and wealthy people. In fact, learning to do the maximum number of cases in a certain period of time starts from childhood.

Let's remember at least the daily routine of the child. Surely many of the houses hung a poster "Schedule of lessons and the daily routine." Thanks to him, children observe the regime of the day and are disciplined.

If you ask questions: "How to work and manage everything to do housework for a woman with a child," "How to learn everything quickly and do not get tired" means that these questions are relevant for you, especially if you are a young mother. Some representatives of the fair sex have time to monitor three children, take care of themselves and their husbands, and some cannot cope even with one child.

So do not think that time management is a useless science that is unlikely to be useful to you in life. If you learn to control your time, you will gain happiness and harmony in all spheres of life.

History of Time Management

Since ancient times people have tried to distribute their labor resources as efficiently as possible; therefore, in ancient Rome, the philosopher Seneca began to allocate spent time to that which he spent with advantage and useless. If a famous thinker did something useful, then such time was considered good, useless - bad.

Later Seneca began to write down what and when he did. After this, I analyzed the time spent and evaluated its effectiveness. We can say that he was engaged in building an effective time management system. 

In the 5th century, the famous Italian scientist Alberti argued that people who know how to manage their time with profit will always be successful.

Already in the ΧΧ century, the Institute of Labor was established, where many well-known personalities worked. For example, the biologist Lyu AA invented the method of timing. It is successfully and now used on many enterprises, analyzing each specialist's working time.

The timing allows you to analyze how much time a person needs to perform a specific task.

The main components of time management

Before you begin to study the basic rules of time management, you need to know what parts it consists of. That is, what will be necessary to do, and through which you will learn how to allocate your time:

  • A strict account of all time;
  • Optimization of working time resources;
  • Daily planning of your day;
  • Constant motivation.

Manage your time you need not only during business hours but also during the rest period. This will help to better restore their strength and allow them to feel happy, self-sufficient, and successful.

Myths of time management

Not every citizen of our country has ever heard that his time can be skillfully managed. Accordingly, many people do not even suspect the existence of time management methodology. But if a person is still interested and superficially acquainted with the minimal information about this art, he immediately becomes a hostage of many fears. 

Consider the most popular fears associated with time management.

  1. No one can control time, so life went on, and it will go its course. This is a false statement because you yourself are the masters of your destiny. It depends on you, how quickly the work will be done, and how much time it will take to relax and communicate with your friends. Having mastered useful habits that help save time, you will not manage time, but your life;
  2. Thanks to the time management will have to work harder. Some people are really afraid that if they have free time, they will have to perform more unplanned work. In fact, time management allows you to optimize all processes, and you are unlikely to have time to do unplanned work;
  3. Adhering to the rules of time management, you can turn into a robot. Many people think that if you completely plan your life, you can lose all human joy. In fact, time management does not take time but rather helps to find an extra hour or two that you can spend on yourself.

The principles of time management or how to manage everything

The art of managing your time is a rather complex science, the study of which can take many years. But we tried to outline the basic principles of time management, which will help properly organize each person's day.

Plan your every day

Every day before going to sleep, try to allocate a few minutes to write a plan for the next day. You can do this on a piece of paper or on a demo board. Write down every minute of your time, not forgetting about rest and force majeure. Do not forget to devote enough time to these items because no one is immune to unforeseen difficulties.

You always carry your plan with you (if written in a notebook or a diary), periodically look at it, and check if you fit in the allotted time. Delete or erase the completed items. So you will feel self-satisfaction from work done.

Set a goal for yourself

Every person has a dream that turns into a specific goal. People who set themselves certain tasks and know why they work make it easier to achieve what they want.

For example, if you are a typical average office worker but set a goal to be a leader, you need to get the appropriate education to prove yourself well to your bosses and perform your work qualitatively. In this case, you have a great chance to move up the career ladder. Perhaps in the future, you will open your business. And ideally, enter the standard of corporate time management in your organization. The main thing is really to want it and not sit idly by.

It is important to learn how to set goals correctly. First, think about what exactly you want. Your goal should be specific, achievable, relevant, measurable, and time-bound. It is not necessary to dream that living in the outback and working in a small factory; you will be able to become president in a couple of years. Set real goals and go to the cherished dream.

Learn how to fix your action plan

You already know the importance of drawing up plans, now let's consider how to plan your affairs correctly.

The Gantt Chart will help us with this. This, at first glance, is a difficult method that not everyone can cope with. But in fact, everything is quite simple. The work of this method is given in an example.

You need to build a house. You prescribe all the construction stages (design, foundation, ground, finishing works, etc.). After that, you enter the data into the table and specify the terms and order. Some small processes, the performance of which does not affect the quality of work, can be combined, thereby reducing the time for their implementation.

Drawing up such a diagram allows to visually explain the work's scale so that workers are included in the process faster.


To achieve this goal, each person has to perform a number of tasks of varying degrees of severity. Therefore, you need to learn to prioritize and highlight the most important processes.

In order to properly plan your day, you can use a simple principle. It is called the "ABVGD" method. 

Its essence is as follows. You make a plan for the day, starting with the most important things. That is, under the letter "A," we mean the fulfillment of the most important process, under "B" - less important, "B" - not very important, etc.

The fulfillment of the most difficult and important tasks must be planned the next morning or the most productive period for you. The fact is that if the most difficult task is not fulfilled immediately and constantly postponed its decision for later, then the feeling of unfulfilled debt will affect you emotionally. A well-known specialist in the field of active time management B. Tracy advises approaching the solution of such issues rigidly and unequivocally. He is the author of the time management method "Have to breakfast with a frog," which is successfully used by a huge number of people.

Its essence is as follows. You perform the most difficult and laborious tasks ("frogs") in the first place. This is necessary in order that you have time to do all the planned things, and your emotional background, throughout the day, remained normal.

The logical continuation of the frog method is the Pareto principle or law. It says that 20% of all our efforts result in 80%, and the remaining 80% of efforts are only 20% effective.

That is why everyone's main task is to identify the most effective 20% and concentrate on their implementation. 

There is another method that helps to set all the priorities. He is called the "Eisenhower Matrix." A well-known successful politician was famous for his practicality. He divides all his affairs into four categories:

  • Urgent and important. These cases must be performed first. Because of their importance, they should not be entrusted to others. If you delay with such tasks, it can be fraught with negative consequences in the future;
  • Important, but not urgent. Pay attention to this point. It is from this category of tasks that you can plan. But do not postpone their implementation for a long time, since these cases can go to the point urgent and important;
  • Urgent, but not very important. Such cases generally take a lot of time, so they can be delegated, that is, delegated to someone;
  • Unimportant and non-urgent. It is better to delete them altogether from the list in order not to waste your time. 
  • Try, and you use these methods, and in a few days will understand how effective they are.

Focus on the main thing and learn how to delegate

Each person has a huge number of cases that need to be done during the day. Some of them can take you a few minutes, and some take several hours. Try to undertake all the difficult and important things yourself, and less important to entrust to other people.

For example, if in a family no one but Mom can cook borsch and lunch, you need to wipe off dust and put down toys, it will be rational to entrust cleaning to children or dad, while the mother will cook dinner. In this situation, all are fed, and the apartment is cleaned.

Or another example, if you earn several thousand rubles a day every day and the tap is flowing, it is easier to charge the plumbing repair work and pay him a couple hundred, while you will earn several times that amount. 

Master the principles of delegation; that is, do not be afraid to shift some of your duties to others.

Analyze the lived period and create your own personal time management rules

Periodically look back and try to analyze the lived period. Pay attention to how rational you have been in your time, how quickly you achieved your goal, what difficulties were encountered on your path, etc. 

Analyze your life regularly and note how fast it moves, whether you are completely satisfied with your actions. 

Based on the basic principles of time management, create your own rules that help you optimize time resources, and feel yourself a happy and successful person.

Do not forget to rest.

Plan your vacation as one of the main tasks. It is on how well you regain your strength, quality, and speed of the done work. Do not neglect sleep. An adult's sleep should be at least 8 hours a day. Otherwise, depression and loss of strength are guaranteed to you, and these are the main enemies of productive work.

Do not forget to communicate with friends and family. Do not throw your hobbies and hobbies. Pleasant pastime contributes to the relaxation of a person and makes his life more vivid.

Recommendations of experts in the field of time management

Plan your next day

Going to bed, schedule tasks that you would like to do tomorrow. It is better to write down all the items in order not to miss anything because the person is not a robot, and it is peculiar to him to forget some trifles.

Planning is better in the evening. That is, you are contemplating the next evening. This allows you to significantly optimize time resources; in other words, you are correctly allocating your time.

Last day

Try to live every day like the last. Do not delay doing important things. Cases that are constantly short of time, sometimes, and remain in the plans, that is, unrealized. Therefore, whenever possible, but the best out for each day. Thanks to this, you will not accumulate a lot of routine and uninteresting work.

Filter information

Studying certain information on the Internet or in print, try to highlight the main aspects of the article and "run through" a look at them. The information provided is often crowded with various advertisements or surpluses of the authors' reasoning, that is, "water." Learn to read "through the line" this will save your time significantly.

The Eaters of Time

A lot of time modern people spend on viewing absolutely unnecessary information on social. Networks and other Internet resources, as well as useless conversations over the phone.

But time is a resource that can not be filled. In order to understand how much it costs you to calculate how much you earn about an hour. And now think about how much time and money you are wasting. Even if you do not translate all this into a monetary equivalent, think that instead of idle talk on the phone, you could read a book to a child or play with it. And this is much more useful and will bring more satisfaction.

Of course, isolating yourself from everyone and stopping talking with friends is also not an option. But try to minimize communication with really unnecessary people. Learn to say "No" to them.

Analyze the habits and identify precisely their "devourers of time." Gradually get rid of them, learn to control yourself.

Concentration on the performance of one case

Try not to do several things at once. So you will spray your forces, and attention will be scattered. You will perform each process longer. Take one thing and complete it completely, then proceed to the next.

History knows some people who could do several things at once (Julius Caesar), but they are just exceptions to the rules.

But there are such processes that can and should be combined. For example, riding on public transport for most people takes a long time. Why not at this time do self-education. After all, you can listen to an audiobook or read an interesting magazine.

Experts advise not to cling to everything. It is better to go slowly and confidently to the goal, qualitatively carrying out each task.

Learn your biological clock

The rhythm of life for each person is individual. Someone's peak of activity falls in the morning hours, and someone sleeps before dinner, and by evening begins to work. Only you yourself know when you have the strength and the highest efficiency. It is during this period and tries to perform the maximum amount of pre-planned work. Do this at one time.

Tidy up the workplace

All successful people can see the perfect order in their workplace. This applies to both regular desk and PC desktop. Have you ever noticed how much time you spend searching for a document? Scientists have calculated that people who have a mess in their workplace spend 30% of the time searching for the necessary document, tool, etc. 

Put things in order, dispose of unnecessary papers, get rid of debris. Thanks to this, you will feel comfortable, and work capacity will increase.

Separate workplace

If you work at home and think that all housing is a workplace, then you are deeply mistaken. While you work, you can be distracted by a lot of small things. Try to equip your corner, where you will store all your things necessary for the work process.

For example, if you are making clothes at home, then do not throw sewing accessories throughout the apartment. Searching for the necessary thing will take a long time. Having equipped your workplace, you will save yourself from additional cleaning and constant searching.


If you think that you can not organize your day using time management advice, you are deeply mistaken. Of course, any initiative requires discipline and self-control, but you will quickly "get involved" in this process and begin to get pleasure from it.

The main thing is not to abandon what was started. Try to survive for 30 to 40 days, after which the planning of the day will turn into a good habit, without which you simply can not live.

Learn how to properly allocate your time. Then you will have time to work and relax, communicate with loved ones, and have fun with friends.


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