Privacy Policy represents the legal aspect of your business, whether you have business online and offline. If you have a blog, you also need to have privacy policy clearly stated on your blog and the link to read it placed where it can easily be seen.
If you want to add more professional look to your blog, then you need to create a privacy policy that tells people what information that are going to be collected by their visit to your blog and how those information are being used.
Why Do You Need Privacy Policy?
Privacy policy are required by third party ad-servers, If you are using Google Adsense to monetize your blog or you want to apply for Google Adsense then you need Privacy Policy. Google had made it a must that not only you will have a privacy policy on your blog you also need to state clearly in your privacy policy that the ads your visitors are seeing my be used to place cookies on their website.
There is no way Google Adsense will approve your application if you do not include this in your privacy policy, so am going to show you how you can generate a privacy policy that adheres to Google Adsense policy, this will take you a step closer to getting your adsense application approved and also make your blog more professional.
Step 1:
Go to Serprank Privacy Policy Generator They may require you to sign up, don't worry it is free, you don't have to pay anything.
Step 2:
Add Your Web url (main address)
Add your email address
Then under Advertiser's Information, Google Adsense's box will already be ticked (checked) if it is not ticked, make sure to tick it.
Then Click "Create Privacy Policy"
Your privacy policy will be created immediately, all you need to do is just copy it and paste in a page in your blog, then insert the link for it in your footer so that it can be seen from all pages.
If your are using Blogger, to add the copied privacy policy to your blog.
Go to your Blogger dashboard and click on "Pages"
Click "Create New Page"
Then paste the privacy policy you copied from Serprank and paste it on page.
Name the page "Privacy Policy"
On the "Page Settings" set comments to "Don't Allow"
Then Click "Publish"
To copy the address of your privacy policy page, tick the box beside privacy policy page and click on "View" then copy the page address from your browser address bar.
Then go to your blog "layout" insert a "HTML Widget" on it and link it to the address you copied above.